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This test utilises a state of the art immunoassay based on microarray technology to detect food-specific IgG antibodies to 44 different foods.


When To Order This Test:

  • If you suffer with gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea or excessive gas
  • If you have a diagnosis of IBS, IBD or acid reflux
  • If you suffer with headaches, lethargy, fatigue or migraines
  • If you suspect an intolerance to certain foods.


What Is An IgG?

IgG stands for Immunoglobulin (type G). Immunoglobulins are a class of proteins that function as antibodies produced by the immune system in response to foreign bodies entering the body. There are several different types of immunoglobulins with IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM being the most well-known.


Why Do Foods Cause An IgG Response?

Generally, foods are broken down during digestion into their component parts e.g. amino acids, glycerides etc. These pass harmlessly through the gut into the bloodstream. However, occasionally small fragments of partially digested or undigested foods are able to pass through the gut wall into the bloodstream where they are recognized by the immune system as being ‘foreign’. The immune system responds by making IgG antibodies to these foods. This is common in those with 'leaky gut' and gastrointestinal inflammation.


Do High IgG Antibody Levels Cause Symptoms?

When a food causes the body to produce high levels of IgG then these antibodies combine with the protein in the food to form an ‘antigen-antibody complex’. These complexes are usually eliminated by other cells in the immune system. However, if the immune system is overloaded, these insoluble molecules become deposited in tissues within the body, causing chronic inflammation and the subsequent production of symptoms.


Is It Possible To Have High IgG Levels And Not Experience Symptoms?

Yes, some people do have high IgG levels to certain foods but do not have any symptoms at all. This is most likely due to their immune system being extremely efficient at clearing away the antigen-antibody complexes before they have chance to be deposited in the tissues and cause a problem.


It is true that certain common foods are more likely to show a positive result e.g. wheat, dairy, soya. The reason for this is that these foods are consumed on a regular basis in our diet and along with digestive issues this can increase the likelihood that the body may react to them. While an elimination diet will always be the gold standard, the benefit of doing a food intolerance test is that it will be able to quickly show which of the foods that are eaten on a regular basis, are a potential problem. In addition, the tests are able to highlight more unusual foods which a person may not have considered removing from their diet.


Why Test For IgG Antibodies To Foods?

The efficacy of a diet based on the measurement of IgG antibodies specific for food components has been demonstrated in a number of conditions, both in independent studies and clinical practice. Excellent results have been obtained in patients with migraine, IBS and obesity.


Can I Take The Test If I Am Pregnant?

A food intolerance test is not recommended during pregnancy as the immune system is suppressed. However, 4-6 weeks after giving birth should be ok.


What Is The Lower Age Limit For Testing?

We do not recommend testing on children under the age of 2 years as there is a possibility of receiving false negative results. This related to the fact that the infant gut is more permeable than that of an adult coupled with immature mucosal immunity that is still in the learning and development stage. 


Is There Any Medication That I Should Avoid When Taking A Food Intolerance Test?

Customers should avoid the use of immunosuppressant medication if performing these tests, as they may have an impact upon the results. 


Do I Need To Re-introduce Foods Before Taking This Test?

In general we recommend that you follow your normal diet, so that the test will reflect what you usually eat. However, if you have specifically avoided a food for more than three months e.g. cow's milk, which used to be part of your normal diet and you would like it tested, we would recommend it is reintroduced.


The recommendations are to reintroduce the food for 1 week, eating a normal portion of that food at least once daily before taking your blood sample. If symptoms occur once the food is re-introduced, we recommend that you discontinue that food and conclude you are still intolerant to it.


Do I Have To Fill The Microvette All The Way To The White Line?

Although it is advisable to completely fill the tube, a half filled microvette tube should be enough to run the test. If there are any problems with a sample the lab will let you know. However, if you order 2 tests, we can test from one sample if you provide a full microvette.


Do I Need To Store The Blood In The Fridge If Not Sending The Same Day?

Yes, the sample must be stored in the fridge with the lid secured if not sending on the same day.

Food Sensitivity Test - 44 Foods

  • All ordered tests will be mediated by our Naturopath, Lekita Davies. Once test results have been returned to us, Lekita will call the client to deliver the results and discuss anything appropriate for the case. After the phone call, results will be emailed to the client alongside any suggestions. Please note that we cannot deliver results without a phone call.

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