About Lekita
Lekita has recently graduated from the College of Naturopathic Medicine, earning her DIP in Naturopathy and Naturopathic Nutrition and is currently working on earning her post-graduate DIP in herbal medicine. Alongside this, Lekita practises iridology, kinesiology, reiki, biomagnetism, bioenergetics, sound healing and bio-resonance.
Lekita is also a member of the seed wellness group, an established company based in Buckinghamshire, UK offering over 50 different holistic therapies.
Lekita uses a functional medicine approach, addressing the root cause of health concerns, rather than symptom suppressing. Lekita works with patients with a wide range of health concerns such as eczema, PMS, PCOS, IBS, Hashimotos, weight gain, migraines, depression, Lyme disease, environmental illness etc.
What makes me different?
I use a different approach to healing by understanding the importance of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health. I understand that each patient is different and tailor my approach to each individual needs. I guide my clients to become their own best healers.
I work on treating the root cause of problems, rather than treating symptoms. Using this approach, I facilitate healing, balance and wellbeing. Keep reading to find out more on my story and what lead me to holistic healing.
Naturopath (ND)- The College of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Nutritionist (DIP NT)- The College of Naturopathic Medicine
Biomagnetism Level 1- Goiz Institute
Bioenergetics Level 2- Goiz Institute
Reiki Level 1- White Aura Holistic Healing Academy
Reiki Level 2- White Aura Holistic Healing Academy
Spooky2 Rife Machine Trainer- Spooky2 Academy
Law of Attraction/Life/Health Coach- I Am Creator Academy
Sound Healing Level 1- The Sound Healing Academy
Gastrointestinal Health
Environmental Illness
Lyme Disease (+Co-infections)
Hormonal Health
Chronic Illness
Post Infectious Malaise
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Infections (SIBO, Parasites etc)
Liver, Kidney + Adrenal Health
My Story
For those that prefer reading, carry on past this video to read my story. For those that are visual learners please watch my story here:
On June 2018 (aged 19) my life changed forever. 1 minute I was healthy and at university doing what I love everyday (dancing, performing etc), the next I was bed bound and unable to function. Summer 2018 I took a trip to Greece with my family and on the 3rd night of holiday I had what I thought was food poisoning. I had diarrhoea, night sweats, shakes and was vomiting all night. It took 2 days for the presumed food poisoning to subside and I thought it was all over. However, gradually symptoms started creeping into my life. On the 5th day of holiday I had my first ever anxiety attack in the middle of the night. I was dizzy, shaking, sweating and short of breath. Convinced something was wrong, I went to the hospital (my first trip of MANY). The doctors told me it was just an anxiety attack and sent me on my way (I have never suffered with anxiety before so this was strange). The following day was time to go home, which has a huge relief as I was having anxiety attacks nearly every day and craved the comfort of my home.
When home, additional symptoms that I have never experienced before started to gradually appear. It started with acid reflux, hair loss, stomach pain and intense anxiety. My anxiety and fear drove me to booking daily doctors appointments and I was prescribed antacids, anxiolytics and IBS medication. Weeks had passed since being prescribed these medications and things had gotten worse, so I decided to return to the doctors. I was prescribed new medication and sent on my way. My anxiety got so bad I was convinced my heart was going to stop and I found myself checking my pulse 24/7; it quite literally took over my life and destroyed my happiness. I spent each day of my summer holidays crying, shaking, sweating, scared, in pain, checking my pulse and at the doctors. As someone who has always been very social, I tried to continue going out and seeing my friends, but it only ever ended in me sneaking off and calling my mum in floods of tears, scared my heart was failing, and begging her to pick me up.
As time went on, more symptoms slowly crept in: the feeling my tongue/mouth was burning 24/7, thick white/brown coating on my swollen tongue, skipped heart beats (heart arrhythmia), shortness of breath/air hunger, nausea, eczema flares, swollen lymph nodes, vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches etc. Confused and fearful I returned to my doctor who reassured me it was just anxiety and gave me a referral for an anxiety counsellor and gastrointestinal (GI) specialist. Although I began attending regular sessions with my GI specialist and counsellor, more symptoms kept appearing and my pain grew deeper. Body weakness, muscle cramps, joint pain, low energy, chronic fatigue, constant drunk yet hungover feeling, mood swings, eye floaters, tinnitus and de-realisation (not feeling real- as though you are watching yourself from outside your body 24/7) where the next symptoms to appear. I continued seeing my doctor nearly every day demanding answers as I knew something more sinister was going on (trust your gut!). My blood results revealed stage 1 kidney failure, hypothyroidism, high eosinophil, platelet, uric acid, albumin, RBC, cholesterol, creatinine and CK counts, yet doctors still tried to tell me it was just anxiety. For 'peace of mind' I was referred to hypnotherapists, renal specialists, ear nose and throat specialists, gastrointestinal specialists, endocrine specialists, infectious disease specialists, lung specialists, cardiovascular specialists, lymphatic specialists and urinary specialists, only to have no answer or relief..I was EXHAUSTED and losing faith.
(Picture 1: Very painful eczema breakouts
Picture 2: A clump of hair that had fallen out just from running my hands through my hair!)
Picture 3: The beginning of my white coated thrushy tongue which soon after turned brown/yellow.
Picture 4: Lymph node swelling that soon spread all over my body).
Night times seemed to be worse than the day. My new found insomnia and anxiety prevented me from falling asleep and my sleep apnoea woke me up 50-100x per night gasping for air. During this period of time, I had far too many 3/4am hospital trips, where I would wait around for hours only to be diagnosed with anxiety and dismissed. One night I found myself in hospital at 2am with gastritis, coffee looking vomit, an extreme fever and dizziness. The doctors shouted at me for being unresponsive and told me to "Grow up"; I was left in the hospital hallway on my own for hours scared and in pain. Due to this horrific experience I began fearing the doctors and hospitals, but I didn't know what was worse- not having any answers and being sick forever or being shouted at and told it's just anxiety?
As the weeks went by, more symptoms started appearing: extreme upper and lower abdominal bloating making it very difficult to breathe, weight loss, rashes, twitching/ muscle spasms that lasted hours and extreme anger. I went to see a new doctor every day in hope that one of them had answers, only to be told the twitching was because i was tired, and the rest was due to anxiety and stress.
(Picture 1: When i began losing a lot of weight at the beginning of my illness- I was literally skin and bone which is weird for me as I a usually curvy!
Picture 2: My stomach pre-illness
Picture 3: My bloated stomach during illness when it was so bad I struggled to breathe properly and sit down).
September 2018 I entered my second year of university hoping that this phase would come to an end and things would go back to normal. However, this wasn't the case and things got significantly worse. On my first day of 2nd year, I woke up feeling like I had drunk 30 vodka and tonics hours before (although i hadn't drunk alcohol for weeks). I felt weak, anxious, nauseous, bloated, gassy, fatigued and had serious joint/muscle pain (along with all my other aquired symptoms). I was too scared to tell anyone how I was feeling due to fear of no one believing me (just as the doctors had not) and so attempted to carry on as normal. However, carrying on as normal at a performing arts university wasn't easy and I frequently began missing more lectures and classes due to malaise and doctors appointments. Whilst dealing with the pressure of second year, I was also facing judgement from teachers and classmates who thought I was bunking, and struggling to bond with my new classmates due to lack of energy and frequent off-days- that was a very lonely position to be in!
Extreme anger and irritation was the next symptom to take over me, forcing me to scream and shout and lose my temper frequently (my poor boyfriend!). Alongside, my joint pain increasing, anxiety, eczema, acne and new found sharp stabbing pains made it extremely difficult to socialise and once again I found myself checking my pulse 24/7 and sneaking off on nights out calling my mum in floods of tears. University became extremely tiresome and that fun, social girl I once was had gone out the window.
(Begining of my acne!)
(More skin breakouts- unusual for me as I usually have clear skin)
(Bizarre rashes that began appearing all over my body)
Next came hypoxia, extreme shortness of breath, oedema (swelling), body numbness, migraines, eye sensitivity (I had to wear sunglasses most places and could not drive at night due to the bright lights from cars), ear sensitivity (loud sounds physically pained me), emitting an awful odour, sweats/chills, sinus pressure, temporary paralysis, weight gain and intense brain fog. These symptoms made it impossible to remember any of my work and dance routines and I was once again accused of not working hard enough. Unhelpful to my case, I didn't look ill. Sure I had acne, purple eye bags, eczema, pale complexion, bloating and weight gain, but aside from this I looked normal (especially with make-up!). The amount of times people told me "I had no idea you weren't feeling well, you look great!" was extremely demoralising.
(Picture 1: bad picture but- the hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in my body turned my nails purple, as well as my tongue and lips
Picture 2: My body during my weight loss phase in illness
Picture 3: My body during my weight gain phase in illness).
The day I crawled on my hands and knees to class because of severe pain was the day I knew my illness was serious and that carrying on might not be an option for me anymore. I began frequently running out of class to vomit and check my pulse, I woke everyday with the hangover from hell and going out partying or socialising wasn't an option for me anymore as I did not drink and was intolerant to a large array of foods. I knew if I didn't find answers soon I would have to drop out of university.
Desperate to find answers and to get better, I went searching for answers on the internet, joining facebook groups for the chronically ill, and googling nutrition advice. I was so sick I did not care about what I ate, and letting go of my daily chicken nuggets and hot chocolates was easy. I began with removing gluten, dairy, soya, sugar, processed foods and swapped to organic. The hard part of this was the judgement I faced by those who did not understand my new diet and would laugh at me saying I ate 'like a rabbit'. Worse, there where those who would try and persuade me "just one bite wont hurt" or "just 1 drink wont hurt"..these people have never been chronically ill for sure. I tried many different diets desperately trying to find relief. These diets included FODMAP, SCD (only 5 allowed foods, all blended for 2 months), paleo, juicing/juice fasts, food rotation, water fasts, eating for my blood type, low carb+sugar, high carb+sugar, keto, vega, carnivore etc. I was desperate!
(Picture 1: The 5 blended foods I was solely eating for 2/3 months as I was not able to tolerate anything else
Picture 2: The extensive list of food intolerances I had!).
During research I discovered my symptoms matched those of Lyme Disease (Borelliosis) and co-infections (some of which are far worse than Borreliosis itself). I got in contact with a nutrition clinic in London who specialise in Lyme Disease and booked myself an appointment. However, my first appointment at the clinic ended in tears due to accusation of invented truths. The Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) didn't think it was possible for someone of my age to have all of the symptoms I did. They dismissed me and I was left feeling even more lost than before. Being accused of lying by multiple doctors and a LLMD, I began to believe this was all in my head and started accepting my new normal. But i never gave up hope and continued to research ways to heal.
I tried homeopathy, accupuncture and lymphatic drainage, which all helped, yet gave no answer or major relief. I was reffered to a dietician (who clearly had no experience with chronic illness- ugh!) and found myself wasting money on pointless supplements (they did not work for my body- not very naturopathic at all) and treatments that had no relevance to my case. I was now broke, depressed, exhausted and on my last leg. By a stroke of luck, I came across a naturopathic doctor (ND) who near enough changed my life. I discovered my toxic mould poisoning, Lyme disease and co-infections (told you LLMD!), SIBO, hashimotos etc and finally realised it wasn't all in my head. Although excited to know what was wrong with me, my ND told me I was the worst case she had seen in all her 40 years and that it would take me years to get better. I was exhausted at the thought of this, but knew I had to drop out of university and focus on my health because I wanted good health more than anything.
(Picture 1: The wart overgrowth I had on my knees- indicating a viral outbreak!
Picture 2: Me using my nebuliser- I used this daily to help me breathe).
Due to the toxic mould poisoning from my family home, I was instructed to throw all of my stuff away and move into a new (non-mouldy) home. I took nothing with me other than my phone, credit card and a new primark tracksuit to prevent any cross-contamination. I even sold my car, brought a new one and changed into new clothes before getting in the car to avoid cross contamination- I was serious about this! I only allowed visitors into my house who showered immediately upon arrival, changed into new clothes before coming near me and decontaminated their phone/car keys and wallet. This extensive routine meant that I barely had any visitors at a time when I needed them the most. My friends didn't understand, my family thought I was going insane and my boyfriend now lived 2 hours away. I was now broke, exhausted, depressed and extremely lonely. Side note- all of this may seem extreme, but for those of us who are chronically ill and poisoned by toxic black mould, we are too sick to care and would do anything to get better.
Contrasting the university party life, my days now revolved around taking medication and supplements, using my rife machine or magnets, attending appointments, cooking food and meditating. It was a full time job and I had no time for anything else. Although certain symptoms got better, I was still extremely sick and my sensitivity to treatment meant I could only focus on one thing a day to prevent symptom flares. Some days where better than others, but on the bad days I struggled to do anything- just 1 drop of a herbal tincture would cause excessive histamine responses, 80% increase in severity of my symptoms and bloating so extreme I could not sit down, only stand or lay on my back! Healing was exhausting, and due to my mould toxicity I had no support from my family; a real strain on my mental health too.
Months into treatment whilst on holiday with my family, a bullseye rash appeared on my leg. Although I already had been diagnosed with Lyme Disease I took a trip to the doctors to prevent any further infection (I didn't know at the time this rash was a healing sign as I never initialy had one!). To my 'luck', the doctor was familiar with Lyme Disease and prescribed me 3 months of the antibiotic doxycycline. Now, imagine being on holiday and taking an antibiotic that meant I had to avoid sunlight at all costs.. it was depressing! I spent the next 5 weeks on holiday an emotional wreck, with my acne, pale complextion, bloating, histamine reactions, migraines, spasms, gas, muscle pain, numbness, depression, anxiety etc all progressively getting worse. I couldn't exercise, and got out of breath having a shower. I was relieved to finish the antibiotics, get home and be able to shut myself away. After this experience I promised myself I would never touch antibiotics again (unless mandatory) and would treat myself naturally.
Picture 1: The bullseye rash that appeared mid treatment - Just because you never got a bullseye rash doesn't mean it's not Lyme disease, the rash may come at a later date!
Picture 2: The mysterious scratch like rashes that appeared all over my arms and legs
Picture 3: Excessive histamine responses caused mosquito bites to swell and nearly cover my whole kneecap!)
After 1 year of treatment, I managed to clear my body of mycotoxins and was feeling more balanced. I started focusing more on parasites, heavy metals, borrelia and co infections, autoimmunity, my severely damaged gut and immune system balancing. I learnt that clearing mould and focusing on immunity MUST come before treating Lyme Disease and other health issues. If you are attempting to heal Lyme Disease, parasites, candida etc without clearing mould first, the chances of you having good health and making fast progress are slim!
Day by day I got better and better. Although I saw great improvement, the PTSD that came along with this illness was devastating. Trying to forget and move on from what I had been through was not easy. I was called 'OCD', 'obsessive' and 'a health freak' many times. I was afraid to leave my house incase I came into contact with mould, or got bitten by another tick, or picked up another parasite. Through the help of DNRS, meditation and coaching, I realised the reality that I was never going to avoid these things, I just had to strengthen my body to prevent them affecting me! So that's what I focused on. Meditation and DNRS helped me let go of what I had been through, and to see it as something positive (after all, I would not have my amazing job or understand how to properly look after my body if it was not for getting sick).
Upon reflection, I discovered my illness had been manifesting for a very long time. Many expect to get better overnight, yet don't realise getting sick is a real chore and takes YEARS of toxic buildup. When I look back I realise my sickness was a combination of many things including eating a typical western diet, suppressed emotions, drinking tap water, travelling and picking up infections, eating lots of raw fish, living in mould, having vaccinations, high stress job, poor sleep patterns, high alcohol intake, drug and cigarette use at university, not looking after my body, chemical exposure etc. Remember, our bodies are extremely intelligent and things do not 'go wrong' for no reason. We are designed to be in perfect health and when things get out of balance, our bodies provide us with symptoms as a way of telling us something is wrong and to slow down. None of us are faulty, none of us have 'the worst genes', we are just exposed to greater levels of toxicity, and have to work harder to keep well.
I frequently get asked what the 'magic pill' was for healing. This is a difficult question, and for me healing was a long process made up of a combination of holistic therapies (4 years to be exact!). I found what worked for me and what didn't, which is different for everyone. But this question leads me to how I became a naturopath and why I specialise in nutrition, herbal medicine, biomagnetism, reiki, frequencies, law of attraction/meditation and coaching- it's because these are what helped me the most.
Overall toxic feeling/malaise
Scratches/rashes appearing
Poor stamina-getting out of breath in the shower!
Sleep apnoea
Blurry eyesight
Eye floaters (black dots and squiggles)
Eczema flare
White/brown tongue coating
Burning tongue
Extreme hunger and lack of appetite
Sharp anal pain
Intense gas
Temporary paralysis
Extreme bloating
Spotty Skin
Twitching in my eye and other body parts
Summary list of all my symptoms:
Sharp head pain
Stomach Pain
Anxiety Attacks
Blood/mucous in stool
Dry eyes
Muscle cramps/arthritic pain
Hair loss
Mood swings
Intense anger and emotion
Heartburn/acid reflux
Sinus pressure
Petechia (small red dots on skin)
Weight loss/Weight gain
Eyes randomly going cross eyed
Itching on inside of ears
Speech difficulties-stuttering/word finding difficulty
Brain fog
Seeing stars
Shortness of Breath
Itchy anus
Back pain
Foul smelling urine/intense colour
Eye and ear sensitivity (could not look at bright light)
Foul odour
Tingling/Crawling sensations
Warts on my knee worsening
That's right, over 70 symptoms! No wonder the LLMD thought I was lying.
All the things I tried over the years:
Nutritional diet
Herbal medicine and supplements
Chinese medicine
Coffee enemas
Colon Hydrotherapy
Infrared Saunas
Caster oil packs
Reiki/Shamanic healing/Crystal healing
Lymphatic massage
Dry brushing
Deep tissue massages
Parasite cleanses
Candida cleanses
Epsom salt baths
Heavy metal detoxes
Liver cleanses
Kidney cleanses
Essential Oils
Using netipots/nasal sprays/nebulisers etc
Nervous tummy feeling
Night sweats
No period for 1 year
PMS- Sore boobs, intense cramps, intense bloating, depression
POTS/low blood pressure
Intense itching of the scalp and skin
'Frog in throat' feeling
Heart arrythmia/Skipped beats
Intense jaw pain/tension
Foot pain
Constant urination
Wrinkly Fingers
Neck/back stiffness
Low libido
'Drunk/hungover' feeling
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Feeling 10x more hungover after drinking
Ionic foot bath
Hot and cold showers
Vaginal cleanses
Colon cleanses
Mud baths
Walks in nature
Silver/ionic foot baths
Craniosacral therapy
Visceral manipulation
Rifing/Frequency Sound Healing
Root canal removal
Blue blocking glasses
Lemon water
Celery Juice
Swapping to all organic- food, perfumes, body wash, makeup etc
Using air filters and air humidifiers
Using EMF and energy protection
(Pictures 1-3: The supplements, medication and herbal medicine I was taking daily!
Picture 5: Me during a biomagnetism session- I did these weekly at one point as it was the only thing that helped with my pain
Picture 6: Me doing my magnets at home to help with pain, whilst wearing my blue and green blocking glasses due to my light sensitivity).
Why did I post my story? Not for sympathy or attention, I posted it because there are so many people out there suffering in silence, like I did, with no answers or relief. When I was ill I wish I saw an article like this because it would have made me feel less alone, given me the answers that I craved and know there is hope for healing. I want to save people the time and money of going from doctor to doctor with no relief and beign told they are making their symptoms up.. it's NOT all in your head. I am also making a promise that I will never dismiss or demoralize clients, and I will do everything in my power to help. Healing IS possible, no matter what anyone tells you or what you read online, you can heal..whatever we have created, we can reverse. If I showed my bedridden 18 year old self this article she would have laughed and told you it's impossible to heal and that an illness as bad as mine would be forever. The human body is an extremely powerful healer when given the right tools. Protect your bodys and stay well. Lekita x